Special Issue | Winter 2017
Winter 2017
What we know of ourselves in a scientific age — and what we don’t
How Moleskine sells durability to ephemeral selves
On Robinson Crusoe, Lost, New Atlantis, and why we keep returning to mysterious islands where science blurs with the supernatural
Computers are taking the error out of human chess — and the adventure.
American use of anti-anxiety pills has skyrocketed. Should we be worried?
The sage of physics takes on politics and philosophy — and dreams of science’s last day
Authoritarians’ love for digital technology is no fluke — it’s a product of Silicon Valley’s “smart” paternalism.
A story of hiking, frailty, and glimpsing the divine
New scholarship reveals a Bard brooding over the science of his day. What can we learn from his vision of cosmic upheaval?