Start-up plans to use CO2 emissions to produce biofuel: A marriage made in alternative-energy heaven?
The DTN Ethanol blog has a post about Sequesco, a start-up company that is “using synthetic biology to produce...
22 Results
The DTN Ethanol blog has a post about Sequesco, a start-up company that is “using synthetic biology to produce...
Rob Routs, Executive Director of Oil Sands, Oil Products & Chemicals at Royal Dutch Shell, gave a speech in Germany...
A report from Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE), “The Truth About Biofuels,” argues against...
The Renewable Fuels Agency (a U.K. group) released the so-called Gallagher review on July 7, a report assessing the...
The New York Times reports on the weather’s impact on crops grown for fuel. The piece takes a look, of course, at...
Keith Collins, former chief economist for the Department of Agriculture (he stepped down in January 2008), has waded...
A Christian Science Monitor op-ed on the biofuels debate over using land set aside for conservation purposes to grow...
Republican presidential nominee John McCain sees building a more energy-efficient car battery as central...
According to an article in the New York Times on Saturday, the Bush administration may allow farmers to plant crops on...
The New York Times today looks at Senator Barack Obama’s support for the domestic production of ethanol, an...