Immortality, pro and con
Two popular articles on radical life extension have recently been making the rounds — dueling articles, in a sense,...
9 Results
Two popular articles on radical life extension have recently been making the rounds — dueling articles, in a sense,...
The first panel today is on the science of life extension, with a typically crisis-laden title, “The War on...
Today I’m at a conference in Washington, DC, called “Never Say Die: A Future Tense Event,” held at...
Keep your eyes peeled when you’re using Hulu and Vimeo these days and you may notice the latest step in the...
Aubrey de Grey, a great advocate of immortality, is not worried about “immortal tyrants” for three reasons. First,...
Todd May has a short essay on death at the New York Times‘s Happy Days blog. The argument is age-old (so to...
Our recent post about libertarian enhancement has received some pushback. For example, commenter Kurt9 says he believes...
In its 2003 report Beyond Therapy (discussed in a symposium in the Winter 2004 New Atlantis), the President’s...
[Continuing coverage of the 2009 Singularity Summit in New York City.] The conference’s last batch of talks is...