Talking About Replacing Obamacare

Last month, I was very pleased to be invited to appear on Brian Lehrer’s radio show (public radio in NYC) to talk about an alternative vision for health care reform, one that is very different from the vision embodied in Obamacare. The invitation to appear on the show was prompted by the piece Bob Moffit and I wrote...

Health Care Costs and Obamacare

I have a new column at e21 rebutting Christine Romer’s latest defense of Obamacare’s cost control mechanisms: Romer is right that rapidly rising health costs is the most serious threat to the nation’s long-term prosperity. Already, the rapid run-up in federal health entitlement spending is putting tremendous pressure on...

The Mandate After the Court

My colleague Yuval Levin and I have co-authored a new article for National Review Online about how the Roberts decision will affect Obamacare: In the wake of the Roberts decision, participation in Obamacare’s insurance scheme is optional. Rather than a requirement to buy coverage backed with a penalty for violators, the law now...

The Case for Romney’s Health Care Plan in USA Today

I have an Op-Ed today in USA Today, offering an opposing viewpoint to their editorial: This week, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney began to describe the kind of health care reform plan he would implement if he is elected president. It’s the right vision, and it’s very different from President Obama’s. The...

Supreme Suspense: Getting Ready for the Big Obamacare Decision

I have a new column up at e21 on how conservatives should be prepared for whatever the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare turns out to be: …it’s possible to boil down the various scenarios to a handful that capture the most likely outcomes, and to examine the implications of those scenarios through both a policy and a...

It’s Obama’s Economy

I have a new article at National Review Online showing why Paul Krugman is wrong to blame the Republicans for the state of the economy: No doubt it would be impressive if the president managed to convince the electorate that three years’ worth of anemic job creation is all the GOP’s fault. And certainly one can’t blame...

Hewitt Lecture: “The Future of Medicare and Medicaid”

Last month I had the honor of participating in a discussion with former CMS administrator Dr. Donald Berwick as part of the Pioneer Institute’s annual Hewitt Lecture Program. The video of my remarks is below, and Dr. Berwick’s remarks and the discussion between us (moderated by former CMS administrator Tom Scully) are...

The Democrats’ Budget Blame Game

I have a new column up at National Review Online rebutting the Democratic Party’s recent efforts to cast themselves as the party of fiscal restraint: The numbers speak for themselves. At the end of 2008, the federal government’s cumulative debt stood at $5.8 trillion. In 2009, the federal government ran its first-ever...

Delivery System Reform

On May 16, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee convened a hearing on “Identifying Opportunities for Health Care Delivery System Reform: Lessons from the Front Line.” I was asked to participate on a panel with Dr. Al Kurose, President and CEO of Coastal Medical in Providence, RI and Marcia James,...

Catholic Social Teaching and the Ryan Budget

The Reverend Thomas V. Berg and I have an article up at The Public Discourse, where we defend the Ryan Budget against the criticism from some Catholic bishops that it violates the principles of Catholic social teaching. To his credit, Chairman Ryan — a Catholic himself — didn’t simply ignore the criticism and move on....