The Debt Commission, Health Care, and Obama’s Budgetary Game Plan

In another Web Memo for the Heritage Foundation this week, I wrote a bit more about the debt commission and the budgetary and political problems that Obamacare creates for the nation’s finances. Here’s an excerpt from the beginning: Unfortunately, the timeline for the United States to take corrective...

Obamacare: Impact on Future Generations

I have a column up at today on the health care reform law’s supposed budget pressure reduction: The President and congressional leaders have argued that a primary benefit from the health law will be reduced long-term budget pressure and thus a brighter future for coming generations of taxpayers. But when the cost...

Obamacare’s Cooked Books and the “Doc Fix”

The Obama administration continues to insist (see this post from White House Budget Director Peter Orszag) that the recently enacted health care law will reduce the federal budget deficit by $100 billion over ten years and by ten times that amount in the second decade of implementation. They cite the Congressional Budget Office’s...

The Canary in Europe’s Coal Mine

In the very short term, Europe may be able to weather the Greek debt crisis and cobble together a program that buys time, stems contagion, and avoids a precipitous downward spiral. That is not at all assured, of course. Indeed, it may in fact be unlikely, given the size of the hole that Greece now needs to fill under the IMF-EU bailout...

The Independent Payment Advisory Board and Health Care Price Controls

I have a column up today at Kaiser Health Newson the new Independent Payment Advisory Board created in the recently passed health legislation. Here’s an excerpt: ….the [Independent Payment Advisory Board] — a 15 member independent panel, to be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate — is now charged...

The Debt Commission and Obamacare

The president’s debt commission had its first meeting this week, and all of the talk was of getting serious about putting our fiscal house in order, with everything “on the table” for consideration. There’s no arguing with the need to get serious. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), if the Obama...

The Obama Budget Plan: Taxes and Rationing

Suddenly, the Obama administration and Democratic congressional leaders seem to want health care news stories to fall off of the front page. This week, House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman abruptly cancelled a high-profile hearing he had called just days earlier to berate corporate CEOs who dared to tell their investors that...

Lessons of the Massachusetts Experiment

In a new column for Kaiser Health News, I ask what the Massachusetts health reforms of 2007 might warn us about what to expect from the new national reform: The president himself has said that the national plan contains many of the features of the Massachusetts program, now operating in its third year. He is right. There are striking...

Tax Collecting for Obama’s Welfare State

Now that the health-care bill has been signed into law, President Obama wants to “pivot” to other pressing issues. But, truth be told, the biggest issue the country now faces is still, in large part, about health care. The federal government is running massive budget deficits and is expected to continue to do so indefinitely....