The CLASS Act Mistake

Recently, I co-authored a paper for the Heritage Foundation with Brian Riedl on the Community Living Assistance Service and Supports Act, or CLASS Act. The CLASS Act is a voluntary long-term care insurance program that hitched a ride on Obamacare. Here’s an excerpt from our Heritage paper: …The Obama Administration and...

Gazing Into CBO’s Crystal Ball

Over at Kaiser Health News, I have a new article looking more broadly at the fiscal sleight of hand that has gone into making the health care law seem far less expensive than it is: In total, federal spending on the nation’s main retirement and health programs will jump by 5.6 percent of GDP over the next quarter century, and that...

Why the Obama Health Plan Is Not Entitlement Reform

On July 15, the Galen Institute held an event on Capitol Hill at which I had the privilege to discuss a paper I have written on why the Obama health plan is not entitlement reform. The event was moderated by Grace-Marie Turner, the president of the Galen Institute, and opening remarks were graciously provided by House Budget...

The Cowardice of His Convictions

The reason the health-care debate has been so polarizing is that there is a deep and fundamental divide over what should be done to fix the problems in American health care, especially with regard to rapidly rising costs. On one side of the debate are those who advocate a decentralized, market-based reform program. Congressman Paul Ryan...

Plugging the Leaks in High-Risk Pools

(with Tom Miller) This week, the Obama administration finally launches a poorly designed, hastily constructed, and severely underfunded high-risk pool program across the 50 states. It’s a shallow attempt to appear to be doing “something” soon to help Americans without health insurance due to pre-existing health...

How to Cover Pre-existing Conditions

The new issue of National Affairs, the excellent journal edited by my EPPC colleague Yuval Levin, includes a piece that I wrote with Tom Miller of the American Enterprise Institute. The focus of the piece is the problem of pre-existing conditions: The health-care legislation enacted this spring followed more than a year of heated,...

About Those Presidential Promises…

From my latest column today in Kaiser Health News: Over the past three years, President Barack Obama made many promises to the American people about his health care plan. Among other things, he said it would reduce the federal budget deficit in coming years, promote better quality care and improve access to physicians. But two promises...

Should People Be Paid to Stay Healthy?

The New York Times has a symposium on wellness incentive programs in insurance and health care. I argue that they’re worth a try: In health care, as in so much else in modern life, money matters immensely. It matters for those who provide services to patients, as well as for those who consume them. We would have a better...


I am pleased to announce the launch this week of what I hope will be an important new resource in the debate over the future of American health care: Yesterday, the Obama administration embarked on an ambitious effort to again “sell” the new health law to a skeptical public by highlighting the supposed...