The Demise of the Omnibus

They almost got away with it, and they may try again. Congressional Democratic leaders planned all along to basically do nothing during the months leading up to the November election — and then, in a lame-duck session, unveil a bloated, business-as-usual spending bill and use the press of the Christmas break to force members into...

Resetting the ‘Obamacare’ Baseline

The analyses and cost estimates provided by the Congressional Budget Office have had an enormous effect on the public debate about health care reform over the last two years. But, as Douglas Holtz-Eakin and I point out in an op-ed today in Politico, CBO, a professional and respected institution, in this instance...

Now It’s Unstable Legally as Well as Politically

The decision on the individual mandate handed down today by U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson in the Eastern District of Virginia makes it clear that Obamacare is on extremely shaky legal ground. That’s fitting, because it’s been on shaky political ground for well over a year now. Today’s decision — possibly joined...

Defined Contribution Health Care

Yesterday, I had the privilege of participating in the inaugural event for the American Enterprise Institute’s new “Beyond ‘Repeal and Replace’” initiative, the purpose of which is to explore policies that could take the place of the recently passed health care law. During the panel discussion,...

Repeal, Replace, Reform

I will be participating in a discussion at the American Enterprise Institute tomorrow called “Beyond ‘Repeal and Replace,'” focusing on suggestions for reforming health care. Details can be found here. Meanwhile, I participated in another AEI forum (cosponsored by the National Review Institute) a few weeks ago...

The Tax Deal

It’s quite a turn of events. The Democratic party has more or less defined itself over the last decade by opposing the supposed irresponsibility of the Bush-era income-tax rates. Now, President Obama has turned his back on the liberal wing of his party and endorsed those very same rates for the duration of his current term in...

The Importance of Ryan-Rivlin

The political ground has been shifting rapidly ever since the American people delivered a vote of no confidence on the current direction of public policy when they went to the polls earlier this month. Nowhere is that shift more evident than in the recent release of a bipartisan plan to dramatically reform the nation’s health...

The Roadmap Lives

Last year, Rep. Paul Ryan’s “Roadmap” — his far-reaching plan to restore long-term budget balance through tax and entitlement reform — was the subject of relentless attacks by those favoring a larger government role in American life. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman called Ryan the “Flimflam...

Pro-Lifers and “Repeal and Replace”

Federal subsidization of insurance coverage for abortion services was among the most contentious issues in the healthcare debate. Pro-life groups stood firm in their opposition to such funding, to the point of opposing the entire legislative package unless it was fully and definitely removed from the bill. Moreover, they worked...

The Debt Commission Endorses Obamacare

When the co-chairmen of President Obama’s debt commission released a draft series of recommendations today, they presumably intended to show momentum and create pressure for others to come around to some kind of an agreement. Press stories are sure to focus on the Social Security changes and how they will antagonize some...