I have a review in yesterday’s Washington Times about the latest report from the Mommy Wars, Amy Richards’s Opting In: Having a Child Without Losing Yourself
. In the review, I ask whether the term “feminist mom” is an oxymoron and look at the complicated relationship between feminism and the biological clock:
Welcome to the Land of the Park Slope Stroller Mom, where every compliment is a veiled insult, and every choice no matter how mundane or personal – home birth vs. hospital, disposable vs. cloth diapers – is taken as a declaration of your progressive bona fides (or lack thereof). If you’re not run down by a passing Bugaboo stroller, you’ll likely soon be by the nonstop passive-aggressive sniping of the other mothers. “You let Baby Bjorn have non-organic carrot sticks? What kind of monster are you?”