Current Issue

No. 78

Fall 2024

Mass. Exodus
Massachusetts is one of the richest states in the country — because it’s pricing out its own middle class. Why did the state stop building enough to house them?

Dinner with Dinosaurs
The right’s new love of technological progress isn’t a good enough answer to the left’s progressive ideology. What are they both missing?

What We Should Build

... and probably could soon if we tried

Giant nets to clean garbage from the ocean  •  Homes where old people and disabled people can help each other out  •  Chains of geothermal power stations to keep the Yellowstone supervolcano from destroying modern civilization (and get a lot of clean power too)  •  A landscape we have to navigate together  •  Nuclear reactors that won’t melt down  •  Houses, a chip factory, anything really in place of Portland’s Hillsboro Airport •  A whole-of-patient approach to medicine •  Towns, cities, architecture, transit, and street plans the way we used to build •  Schools for building portfolios, not credentials •  A tech stack for “deep work”

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Amid growing calls to break up Google, are we missing a quiet alignment between “smart” government and the universal information engine?
Summer 2024
Spring 2024
Winter 2024

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Special Series: “Reality: A Post-Mortem”

How Stewart Made Tucker
A world of authentic, post-spin journalism: The dream Jon Stewart spent a decade making real is now America’s waking nightmare. What did he get so wrong?
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From the Archives

Fall 2021

How to Fix Social Media
A century ago, new media tech brought fake news, privacy woes, and censorship fights — and American democracy tamed it. It’s time for new legislation that revives the wisdom of that era.